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Is Beef Brisket and Flank Steak the Same

Asked by: Takeshi Macghabhann
asked in category: General Last Updated: 26th May, 2020

Can flank steak be substituted for brisket?

Different than flank, brisket is boneless and can still be just as flavorful as flank steak. Although skirt steak is not the same as flank steak, it does qualify as a substitute for flank steak for the simple fact that they have similar flavors and textures.

Both come from the underside of the cow, with the brisket coming from the breast portion, while the flank is found closer to the belly, along the sides. Brisket works better for long, slow cooking methods, while flank steak does best with high-heat cooking.

Beside above, what can you use instead of brisket? Though few cuts can top brisket for flavor, you can substitute other cuts when making a pot roast, including a boneless chuck roast or a blade roast or even short ribs.

Regarding this, what is a good substitute for flank steak?

The closest substitute is probably skirt steak. If they don't have flank, they may not have skirt either. (Hanger would be excellent also, but it even harded to find.) If you cut it thin enough, chuck would work.

Is there another name for beef brisket?

Brisket itself is the cut of meat and there is no other name. When the meet is corned or made into pastrami it is marinated in a liquid for many days. We do it by hand in a crock. You can buy it "corned" in your local supermarket.

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